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Configuration and Interface Software
User interface and configuration of the CT-2 controller is done with the DrzTrack.exe program, a Windows program that you can download.  DrzTrack can also track the Moon and Sun.
  • DrzTrack version 2.11 is for or firmware version 2.1 or greater.

See the download page for information on determining your firmware version and downloading the correct program.

The rest of this page explains the use of the control and tracking program, DrzTrack.exe.

 Setup  |  Status  |  Manual Movement  |  Calibration  |  Tracking


Initial Setup
The DrzTrack program is used to set up the various parameters that are needed by the controller, to test and calibrate the encoders, and to track the Moon and Sun.  It may also be used to relay tracking information from other tracking programs to the controller. It does this by communicating with the controller via the serial port. Configuration data for the controller is selected by the user and saved in the controller's non-volatile memory so that once the configuration is done, it does not have to be redone unless a change is desired.

When the DrzTrack program is started for the first time, it is necessary to set up the communications port and baud rate before it can communicate with the controller. Click on the "Program Setup" button and select the desired com port options. Click "OK" or "Apply" to save your settings. The program will remember your settings so you only have to do this once.  The default rate that the CT-2 uses is 9600 baud.  You can change this with the dip switches on the board, see Switch configuration and Setting for more details.

Once the Comm port and baud rate are set, DrzTrack will start communicating with the controller.  The status message (in bold print near the top) will change from  "No Connection to Controller" to "Controller Responding to Commands", and the communications LED indicator will begin to flash. At this point no movement commands will be sent to the controller but it will try to display the current position and status of the controller board.  Some of the status and communications indications will be operative as shown below, but they may not all work as the encoders have not yet been set up.  Note that it is necessary for communication with the controller board to be working before the encoders can be configured.  On a new controller, the default setting for encoder type is A/D for both Azimuth and Elevation.  So if you are connected to some different kind of encoders, no position information can be displayed until you set up the encoders.  However the little 'LED' next to the Reset button should be flashing at a rapid rate, indicating that serial communication with the controller has been established.

Once communication is working, click on the "Encoder Configuration" button. The following window will appear:

When this window is opened, the setup program reads the current configuration from the controller board and displays it. If the controller does not respond, an error message "Unable to communicate with controller" will be displayed and the configuration dialog will not be shown. If this is the first time into this window, the values shown will be the defaults that are loaded into the controller when it is built. The defaults are shown above.

First select the correct encoder type for Azimuth and for Elevation, and set the appropriate ranges. Calibrate Min/Max should be set to the points you want to use when calibrating the controller.  Tracking Min/Max set the limits that the antenna will traverse during tracking of heavenly bodies.  The other settings are explained in detail in Detailed Settings.

Once you have adjusted the settings click the 'Send Changes to Controller' button. The new settings will be sent to the controller board and stored in it's non-volatile memory, and the configuration window will be closed. You will return to the main program window communication with the controller will resume. (However after the controller receives a new configuration it will automatically 'reboot' so as to resume operation with the new settings.  Thus it will take a few seconds before communication resumes.)

Below is a screen shot of what the control program window looks like when in this mode:

Note that the Antenna Position box is showing the degree readouts, and the Movement enabled status 'LED' is on. Also, the 'LED' beside the reset button is flashing on and off.

Status LED's
In the Controller Status section of the window there are 10 indicators that show controller status. You can think of these indicators as LED's (Light Emitting Diodes) that might be used to show status on a hardware board. For the remainder of this document I will refer to them as LED's.

Eight of the LED's are used to show Antenna Motion status. Four are for motion requests. These will be lit when the controller board has received a request to move the antenna but it has not yet initiated actual motion. This can happen in two circumstances:

a) The antenna has just stopped moving and the controller's stop timer has not yet expired. As soon as the timer times out the controller will start moving the antenna and the status LED will change from Requested to Current.

b) The controller has detected an error and has disabled movement. In this case the "Movement Enabled" LED will be off. This will happen only if the controller detects that the antennas are not moving when they should be. If no motion is detected after the Move Timeout period selected for the encoder, the controller board will stop all movement and disable further movement. It is necessary to reset the controller before motion can be re-enabled. This can be done with the "Reset Controller" button, or by power cycling the controller board.

The final LED is a communication indicator. When the program is communicating with the controller it will flash on and off.

Manual Movement
At any time you may initiate manual movement of the antenna by using the U, D, R, L, and Stop buttons.  If the program is currently controlling the antenna by information received from a tracking program, tracking will be paused when manual movement is initiated. A request to move in the direction selected is sent to the controller and the position and status will continue to be monitored while it is moving. It will continue moving until it reaches the limits set in the configuration dialog unless you click the Stop button. However the movement timer will still time out and stop the motion motors if the antenna fails to move. Also the stop timers will work. For an example of this, suppose you have the stop timer set for the default value of 5 seconds. If you are moving up and you change immediately to down, the antenna will stop for 5 seconds before reversing direction. During the time it is stopped, the request Down LED will be lit but the current Down LED will be off.

For any encoder type it is necessary to calibrate the controller to the actual antenna position in order to get accurate readings. This is done with the two calibrate buttons on the bottom of the window (Calibrate AZ and Calibrate EL).  The elevation and azimuth calibrate dialogs are nearly identical, so only the azimuth dialog are shown.  However the incremental encoders require different settings so they have their own, different dialog.  The dialog shown below is for A/D azimuth, and will be the same for all others except the incremental encoders.

At the top of the dialog the current position of the antenna is shown, and there are two buttons you can use to move the antenna clockwise or CCW.  If the calibration has not yet been done, the reading may be incorrect, but is provided as a reference and an indication that calibration is successful.

Following the instructions in the dialog, first move the antenna to the minimum position as shown next to "Set to" in step one.  This is the "Calibration Min" azimuth that you specified when you configured the azimuth encoder.  If it is not right, exit the calibration dialog and go to the "Encoder Configuration" dialog to change the range settings.  Note: Do not rely on the position shown at the top of the dialog when setting min or max position, as the system is uncalibrated at this time.  Instead, visually check the antenna against a known reference such as a compass rose, or the Sun or Moon.

Once the antenna is at the min position, click the "Set Min" button. The display will change to read the minimum calibration value. Next move the antenna to the maximum position as shown next to "Set to" in step 2.  Again, do not rely on the uncalibrated reading, but check the max position of the antenna visually.  When you click the "Set Max" button the display will change to read the calibration max position that you have specified for the encoder (in the Encoder Configuration" window). Once you have set min and max, the readout should track with the antenna position accurately. Repeat the process for elevation and you are done calibrating. The min/max configuration is stored in the controller's non-volatile memory so it will be remembered after a power cycle.

You may also make an adjustment to the current calibration.  This is for circumstances where the antenna has already been calibrated, but the antenna position has changed in respect to the encoder (antenna slipped on shaft, for instance).  In that case, point the antenna to a known reference point and then enter the position in the current position field at the bottom of the calibrate dialog.  Then click 'set current'.  The position shown at the top will change to match the value entered, and the antenna will now track with the new position.  The adjustment works by saving an offset to the count value  in the controller.  That offset is then applied to the values the controller returns to the controlling program.  Note that this will change the min and max for the antenna range.  For example if the previous min and max were 0 and 360 degrees and an adjustment of +10 degrees was entered, the new min and max will become 10 and 370 degrees.  The range shown in the encoder configuration dialog will not change, but in operation, the end points of rotation will be changed.

Calibration for Absolute Encoders
Absolute encoders have some special calibration considerations. Absolute encoders output an absolute position count from zero to 360 degrees, for one turn of the encoder shaft.  To calibrate them it is only necessary to do a "Min Set", which sets the zero position.  It is not necessary to do a max set and the "Max Set" button is disabled for absolute encoders.

Another consideration is for the elevation encoder.  If you use the inclinometer then 90 degrees is represented by just one quarter of the 360 degrees, thus you must set the calibration range as zero to 360. You could also use other end points as long as the total range remains at 360 degrees.  For instance you could use -10 to 350 degrees. That would allow you to move the antenna to -10 degrees and still have correct readout.

If you use a shaft encoder for elevation, you could set the calibrate min and max to zero and 90, and then the encoder will show that range in a single turn of the encoder shaft (output is divided by four). Normally setting the calibrate range as 0-90 is better because the resolution will be 4 times better, but there is one side effect.  When your antenna reaches 90 degrees, the display will 'wrap' back to zero.  This can be disconcerting if you are not expecting it.  Also, when absolute encoders go backwards past the zero position, the display will 'wrap' back to the maximum range setting (90 or 360). It is possible to change the range for absolute elevation encoders to other than 0-90 or 0-360. For instance you could set it to -10 to 350.  This would still produce the full 360 degree range in a single turn, but the end points are different.  This can be useful for antennas that can go below zero for testing or ground noise measurements.

It is also possible to use a range that is not 90 or 360 degrees.  For example suppose you set it for a range of 0-180.   This will produce the 180 degree count a single turn and then wrap back to zero.   Or a range of -15 to 90 would mean that the range of 105 degrees would be produced for a single turn of the shaft.  Of course to use these alternate settings one has to have the gearing of the shaft adjusted accordingly.

Also, for absolute encoders it is not necessary to move the antenna to the "Calibration Min" position.  You may use the "Set Current" button to properly calibrate the antenna at any known position.  In this case the encoder itself is recalibrated to the new position, so the min and max points will remain the same.

Absolute encoders can also be reprogrammed to change their address, direction, and resolution.  Full information on reprogramming and usage of these parameters is shown on the Detailed Configuration page.

Calibration for Incremental Encoders
Incremental encoders are enough different than others so somewhat different calibration routines are needed. Incremental encoders emit pulses in a quadrature format that are used by the controller for counting and for directional information.  Full calibration always requires that the min position be set first, so in the dialog shown below, the 'Set Max' button is disabled until after a 'Set Min' has been done (see the calibrate description above for more details on how 'Set Min' and 'Set Max' work.  Also the 'Enter Current Position' field and the 'Set Current' button are disabled unless 'Adjust' or 'Z Reset' is selected at the top.

Adjust works much the same as for the other encoders, see above.

Some incremental encoders have an output line to provide a 'Zero Pulse'.  This is a short data pulse that occurs once per revolution, when the encoder passes the zero position.  This is extremely useful because the controller calibration can automatically be corrected whenever a Z-Index pulse is detected.  So if a windstorm has turned your antenna while the controller was off and unable to detect the count change, all you have to do is rotate the antenna past the Z-Index and the calibration will automatically be corrected.

Now consider the case where the antenna and the encoder are geared 1 to 1, a full antenna rotation of 360 degrees also turns the encoder 360 degrees.  In that case the encoder will only pass the Z-Index once.  During full calibration, the controller  has detected the Z Pulse and saved the count at that point as the Z-Index position.  So when the Z-Pulse is detected again the controller calibration is adjusted back to that same count.  However a 1 to 1 gearing can be hard to do, and additionally it is possible to get more accuracy of position by 'gearing up' the encoder, turning it several times or more for a full rotation of the antenna.  When this is the case, multiple Z-Pulses will be detected during the calibration.  At each Z-Pulse detected during calibration, the controller stores the current position in a table that can hold up to 16 positions.  Thus the maximum gearing up the controller can handle is 16 to 1.  In this situation, there is one problem.  When the encoder passes a Z-Index point, how does it know which stored count to use.  The answer is that it uses the one that is closest in count to the current count.  So what do you do if the antenna has moved enough so that the current count is close to the wrong Z-Index?  The answer is shown in the dialog above.  Select Z-Reset at the top and then set the antenna close to a known position (by eye).  Enter the position at the bottom and click the 'Set Current' button.  Now the calibration will be close and the next time a Z-Pulse is detected the calibration will be adjusted to be exactly correct.

After calibrating the antenna with Z-Indexes, and whenever entering the incremental calibrate dialog when a Z-Index calibration has already been done, a second dialog box will be shown along side of the calibrate dialog shown above.  This box shows the results of the Z-Index counting and is shown to the left.

Note the Range at the bottom that is shown both in degrees and count.  This is how close to the actual position your antenna must be in order to get an accurate Z-Reset operation.  If the antenna position error is greater than this amount then the wrong Z-Index will be used and the calibration will be off by one or more rotations of the encoder.

Remember, this is all automatic and each time a Z-Pulse is detected the controller will adjust it's calibration if necessary.  Thus any minor errors that might creep into the count are automatically accounted for.  The greater the gearing (up to 16:1), the more often the calibration will be checked and adjusted.  However with higher gearing, the amount of antenna error that can be tolerated when making a Z-Index adjust is reduced.

Negative Elevation
For EME operation, it is often desirable to be able to point the antenna below the horizon.  If your antenna mount can do this you may configure the controller and control program as follows.  Assume your antenna has a range of -15º to 90º.  Set the encoder calibration range to be -15 to 90º and do a normal calibration of the antenna*, setting the antenna to -15 degrees for 'Min Set'.  Now, when you move the antenna below zero, the LCD display on the controller and the DrzTrack program will indicate the negative degrees.  (*However for absolute encoders the range should be set to -15 to 345 for one to one gearing. See the absolute encoder calibration paragraph, above.)

Tracking the Moon or a Satellite
Once the controller has been set up, calibrated, and tested, you can begin tracking.  For the Moon or Sun, the DrzTrack program provides excellent tracking as well as clock, astronomical data, transmission timing, and DX station parameters.  Or you may use the F1EHN Tracker program, the Northern Lights Nova program, the GM4JJJ MoonSked program, the SatScape program, the TrakSM program, or EME2008 by VK3UM.

DrzTrack directly controls the CT-2 board to provide tracking of Moon and Sun.  There are two ways that other programs may interact with the CT-2 controller board.  One is via direct serial communication from the tracking program to the controller.  The F1EHN, MoonSked, and EME2008 programs use only the serial mode.  Nova and TrakSM can use serial mode when they are set for the NovaComm or EasyComm modes. Nova and TrakSM may also be used in the DDE mode, and SatScape can only be used in DDE mode.

DDE stands for "Dynamic Data Exchange", and is a method for multiple programs running on the same computer to communicate with each other.  A tracking program that uses DDE is said to be a DDE server and it sends tracking information to another program via DDE.  The DrzTrack program is a DDE client and can receive this tracking information and then relay it to the CT-2 controller board via the serial port interface.  When DrzTrack is functioning in this manner, the Tracking section of it's screen will show the name of the body or satellite being tracked, and the current position of that body as determined by the DDE messages from the tracking program.  In this mode, the actual tracking program (Nova, SatScape or TrakSM) may be minimized on your computer screen and the DrzTrack screen will show both the current satellite position and current antenna position.

When DDE tracking is started. tracking will be paused, requiring you to click the pause/resume button to start moving the antenna.  This is a safety feature so the antenna does not start moving until you can see it happening on the DrzTrack screen

If you are using a tracking program that directly communicates with the CT-2 controller via the serial port, you must set up DrzTrack to use that program.  Then the program can be run right from DrzTrack. When you end the tracking program you will automatically return to the DrzTrack program where you can test or reset calibration if necessary. This saves a lot of switching back and forth between programs.  When running one of the DDE trackers it is necessary to run it from DrzTrack so that both are operational at once.

In the tracking window of the main DrzTrack screen there is a drop down box that contains the names of all the tracking programs that DrzTrack has been set up for.  This list initially only contains DrzTrack itself, you must specify any other tracking programs you wish to use and where they are located on your computer, and what the interface method is.

This is done from the "Program Setup" dialog, in the Programs tab. Here you will see a list of all programs that you have already set up.

You can add a new tracking program by clicking the "New Program" button, or click any existing program in the list to change it's setup parameters or remove it from the list.

First enter the name that you wish to show the program by.  Then enter the full path and file name, or browse to the location of the program. If you browse to the file, you can double click on the file or single click and then use the OK button.

You can enter a command to be passed to the program on the command line if the program supports it.  In this example you see the custom data file being passed to the F1EHN program.

Next select the data format that the program uses, then click the Save button.

All of this information will be saved and remembered whenever DrzTrack is restarted.  Click the following links for details on setting up and using the various trackers.

DrzTrack - F1EHN  -  Nova (serial)  -  Nova (DDE)  -  MoonSked  -  SatScape - TrakSM - EME2008

Tracking with DrzTrack
Moon or Sun tracking can be done with the DrzTrack program that comes with the CT-2 controller (see download page).  Before starting tracking it is necessary to configure the DrzTrack tracking parameters shown below.  This dialog is accessed by clicking the "Program Setup" button.

Enter your Call and six digit grid square and select the band you will be operating on.  The band selection is used to properly calculate Doppler shift and sky temperature for the astronomical data display.  Select whether you wish to track the Moon or the Sun, and select your mount type (usually Az/El).  For schedules, DrzTrack contains a handy sequence clock that shows transmit periods in red and receive periods in blue.  Select the sequence you will be using in the dialog above.

If you have entered any alternate tracking programs in the Programs Tab (see section above) then they will be displayed in the "Tracking Program" drop down box.  The one that you select here will be the one that runs when you click the 'Run" button in the main dialog.  When you are done, click OK to exit setup.

Below is the tracking portion of the main DrzTrack dialog window.  Note that the run button shows "Run Nova", because Nova is the alternate program selected above.

Note that the title of the tracking box shows what program you are currently tracking with. Whenever an alternate tracking program has not been started, the title will be "Tracking with DrzTrack".  If you use the Run button to start an alternate program that communicates with DrzTrack via DDE, then the title will change to show that program.

Just below the title is a status message that shows the current condition of the tracker.  The status message shows the body being tracked and shows it as 'paused'.  The current Moon or Sun position will also show in the position boxes on the left.  Clicking the button marked "Resume Tracking" will start the process of following the Moon or Sun with your antenna.  The button label will change to "Pause Tracking" and if you click it again tracking will be paused.  Note that your correct six digit grid square must be entered in the setup dialog in order for the program to calculate correct Moon or Sun positions.

Moving your mouse cursor over the EL or AZ boxes on the left will activate the "Moon and Sun Data" window as shown here.

This window may be moved independently of the main DrzTrack window to any convenient place on your screen.  To remove it, click the red X at the top right.

Note that DrzTrack uses two files to obtain DX station location and Sky temperature.  These files are Tsky.dat and Call3.txt and they must be in the same folder as DrzTrack.exe.

I want to give credit here to Joe Taylor, K1JT as the original developer of these algorithms.


The DX station's call sign may be entered on the main dialog as shown here.  If the lookup by call fails or returns the wrong location, you may enter the grid, if known.



Tracking with F1EHN

The F1EHN Tracker interfaces with the CT-2 controller board directly via the serial port in your PC.  The program name is "Tracking.exe", or you may use "Launcher.exe" if you have Version 6 or 7 of the F1EHN tracker.  Also, with version 6 or 7 be sure to specify the name of your data file in the 'command' field as shown in the screen shot.  This will allow bypassing the Launcher and going straight into the tracking program.  Be sure to set the data format to F1EHN also.  For the older F1EHN version, you can also make a program setting for the F1EHN setup program in the DrzTrack programs list.  The program name to use is "emesetup.exe".  This will allow you to make configuration changes for the F1EHN tracker without leaving the DrzTrack program.  Make sure that the port and baud rate settings for the F1EHN program are set correctly.

When you are ready to start tracking, start communications from the DrzTrack program to make sure the board is operational and movement is enabled.  Use the reset button if necessary.  Make sure the selected tracking program in the tracking window is F1EHN, and then click the "Run" button.  The DrzTrack program will minimize and the F1EHN Tracker will start.  Double click on the correct setup file in the F1EHN initial window and the tracking program will start.  (If you are using version 6 or greater of the F1EHN Tracker then you can put the name of the data file as a command in the DrzTrack program setup window.  Then the initial setup window of Tracker will be bypassed and you will go immediately to the main screen and start tracking.)

If you get a communications error message, exit and then recheck that the controller is operational from DrzTrack and that the F1EHN setup has specified the correct comm port and speed.  While the F1EHN tracker is running, the DrzTrack program will remain minimized and unresponsive.  As soon as you exit from F1EHN Tracker, the DrzTrack program will restore itself to your desktop so you can use it again.

Study the F1EHN documentation for the details on operation and parameter settings.  Note: The F1EHN elevation setup should always be set to 0-360 degrees when using with the CT-2.  Set the CT-2 encoder parameters to 0-90 or whatever you need.

Tracking with Nova (using serial interface)
In the DrzTrack program setup window, add the Nova for Windows program and location.  The file name is "NFW32.exe".  For serial operation, set the data format to NovaComm. 

When you are ready to start tracking, start communications from the DrzTrack program to make sure the board is operational and movement is enabled.  Use the reset button if necessary.  Make sure the selected tracking program in the tracking window is Nova, and then click the "Run" button.  The DrzTrack program will minimize and the Nova for Windows program will start.  Make sure the rotator interface in Nova is set to NovaComm, and that the serial port and baud rate are set correctly.  Then in the Nova AutoTracking menu, select "Start AutoTracking".

There is no feedback to the Nova program, so the only way to be sure that the antenna is being controlled is to observe it, or to observe the LCD display on the controller board if you have one.  If the antenna stops responding, exit the Nova program so that the DrzTrack program is restored to your desktop and you can verify board operation and reset the controller if necessary.

Tracking with Nova (using DDE interface)
In the DrzTrack program setup window, add the Nova for Windows program and location.  The file name is "NFW32.exe".  Set the data format to Nova DDE.  When using DDE, the DrzTrack program continues to communicate with the CT-2 controller via the serial port, so it is important that Nova does not also attempt to use the serial port.  Bring up the Nova program, and set the "Antenna Rotator Setup" to use "DDE Only" as the interface.

When you are ready to start tracking, start communications from the DrzTrack program to make sure the board is operational and movement is enabled.  Use the reset button if necessary.  Make sure the selected tracking program in the tracking window is Nova, and then click the "Run" button.  The Nova for Windows program will start and tracking will begin in the paused condition.

Now you can switch to DrzTrack, or minimize Nova so that you can see the DrzTrack screen.  The tracking status message will show that tracking is Paused, and it will show the satellite being tracked and the current position as reported by Nova.  It will also show the current antenna position, and the LED indicators will show motion requests and commands as they are generated to keep the antenna in track.

Note in the screen shot above, Nova is showing azimuth as 249.5 degrees but the antenna is at 242.46 degrees.  The antenna motion indicator shows "CW", indicating that the antenna is being moved to correct the difference.  You may click the "Pause Tracking" button to temporarily stop receiving tracking information from Nova.  While Tracking is paused, DrzTrack will continue to show the current moon and antenna positions, and you can make manual changes, recalibrate, or change other settings and then resume tracking.  To end tracking, switch to the Nova program and exit.

Tracking with MoonSked
MoonSked by GM4JJJ uses the NovaComm serial interface, so the setup is similar to using Nova in serial mode.  In the DrzTrack program setup window, add the MoonSked program and location.  The file name is "DRZCONTROL.exe" (program supplied by GM4JJJ).  Set the data format to NovaComm.

To start tracking, make sure that MoonSked is selected as the tracking program and click "Run".  When the DrzControl.exe program starts, you can use the Utilities/Settings screen to set the proper serial port.  Next click the "Start MoonSked" button.  In MoonSked 's "Preferences" window you can specify that the tracking window will automatically open when MoonSked starts.  Otherwise you will have to manually start tracking from within MoonSked each time it starts.

Once MoonSked is started and tracking, switch back to the Moonsked DrzControl screen and check the AutoTrack ON box. The current satellite and antenna position will now be shown in the window.  You can also switch to the "Utilities" tab and request a reset of the CT-2 controller board, if required.

As with the other direct serial trackers, the DrzTrack program will be minimized and unresponsive while MoonSked is controlling the CT-2 board.  When tracking is ended by exiting the MoonSked DrzControl program, DrzTrack will be restored to your desktop and be available for testing, etc.

Tracking with SatScape
In the DrzTrack program setup window, add the SatScape program and location.  The file name is "SatScape.exe".  Set the data format to SatScape DDE.

To set up SatScape for DDE, go into the Settings menu and select "Main Settings".  Check the box that says "Rotor/Radio Tracking DDE Auto Start up".  This will cause the DDE window to launch when SatScape is started.  Caution, do not click on the button labeled "Start WISP DDE" in the SatScape dialog box.

When you are ready to start tracking, start communications from the DrzTrack program to make sure the board is operational and movement is enabled.  Use the reset button if necessary.  Make sure the selected tracking program in the tracking window is SatScape, and then click the "Run" button.  The SatScape program will start and tracking will begin.

Now you can switch to DrzTrack, or minimize SatScape so that you can see the DrzTrack screen.  The tracking status message will show that tracking is paused, and it will show the satellite being tracked and the current position as reported by SatScape .  It will also show the current antenna position, and the LED indicators will show motion requests and commands as they are generated to keep the antenna in track.

Note in the screen shot above, SatScape is showing elevation as 40.37 degrees but the antenna is at 45.94 degrees.  The antenna motion indicator shows "Down", indicating that the antenna is being moved to correct the difference.  You may click the "Pause Tracking" button to temporarily stop receiving tracking information from SatScape.  While Tracking is paused, DrzTrack will continue to show the current moon and antenna position, and you can make manual changes, recalibrate, or change other settings and then resume tracking.  To end tracking, switch to the SatScape program and exit.

Tracking with TrakSM
Make sure your version of TrakSM is version 5 or newer.  In the DrzTrack program setup window, add the TrakSM program and location.  The file name is "Trak_SM.exe".  Set the format to either TrakSM DDE or to NovaComm for serial interfacing.

Bring up TrakSM and use the Menu/Setup screen to set the tracking to DDE, or select a serial port if you with to use direct serial communications.  For DDE, set the output format to "Nova". For direct serial set to "EasyComm1". When using DDE, the DrzTrack program continues to communicate with the CT-2 controller via the serial port while tracking, so DrzTrack automatically switches TrakSM to use the DDE mode, even if TrakSM should happen to be set up for serial.

When you are ready to start tracking, start communications from the DrzTrack program to make sure the board is operational and movement is enabled.  Use the reset button if necessary.  Make sure the selected tracking program in the tracking window is TrakSM, and then click the "Run" button.  The Trak_SM.exe program will start and tracking will begin immediately.

Now you can switch to DrzTrack, or minimize TrakSM so that you can see the DrzTrack screen.  The tracking status message will show that tracking is paused, and it will show the satellite being tracked and the current position as reported by TrakSM.  It will also show the current antenna position, and the LED indicators will show motion requests and commands as they are generated to keep the antenna in track.

Note in the screen shot above, the current Moon position is showing azimuth of 255.3 degrees but the antenna is at 258.85 degrees.  The antenna motion indicator shows "CCW", indicating that the antenna is being moved to correct the difference.  You may click the "Pause Tracking" button to temporarily stop receiving tracking information from TrakSM.  While Tracking is paused, DrzTrack will continue to show the current position of the tracked body, and current antenna position.  You can make manual changes, recalibrate, or change other settings and then resume tracking.  To end tracking, switch to the TrakSM program and exit, or simply exit from DrzTrack.

(Note: TrakSM will not send any tracking information if the target is below the horizon.  TrakSM can also be set up for a polar antenna mount and the CT-2 controller will work with that.  Full details have not yet been written up, but click here for an informative article by W4OP about Polar Mounts.)

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