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Kenwood TS-2000 Repairs

We are now able to offer some limited repair service for owners of the venerable Kenwood TS-2000 transceiver. 

  1. Repair failed back lighting of the digital display, by installing LED lights (with necessary circuit changes).
  2. Replace old backup battery.
  3. Adjust master oscillator to be within 20 Hz of correct frequency on 2 meters.  (for higher bands the error will be greater due to increased drift with fan operation).
  4. Fan Modifications.
  5. Fix incorrect 1296 MHz output module bias, in early models.
  6. Fixing other faults, details to be worked out, but on a case-by-case basis.
Option 1:  $60
  • Install LED backlights for the display, including circuit modifications
  • Clean interior of radio (Vacuum or blow out dust).
  • Replace backup battery.
  • Adjust master oscillator.
Option 2: $50
  • 1296 MHz. Bias fix.  Eliminates distortion in SSB mode.
    (Requires a small circuit board, regulator, relay.)
Option 3: $ 35
  • Reduce speed of fan slow mode to reduce fan noise
  • Modify fan circuit to make fan run slowly all the time, except when hot (when hot, runs at normal fast speed)
  • Can select to do either or both.
Ordering: When combining any of the above options, a 15% discount will be applied.

Contact me by Email:

or by Phone: 856-866-6611 (leave a message for call back)

Customer must deliver or ship radio to us*.  We can accept local delivery and pickup of the radios, and possibly at some local club meetings.  Otherwise return shipping will be added to the charges.  All return shipping will be with full insurance to the value of the radio.

Below is a picture of the LED modification, using white LEDs.  We can also use yellow, blue, green, or red LEDs if desired  (most users prefer white).

* Ship to:

W2DRZ Controllers
1203 Perkins Lane
Edgewater Park, NJ 08010